Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ColdFusion 9 Bug #82955

Awhile ago I submitted a bug for ColdFusion 9. Here's the description from the bug tracker: Error when calling a function with an implicit struct argument containing a complex value inside a loop. It's a little hard to explain exactly what's going on in words, but here's some sample code that can reproduce the error.

<!--- To test, remove the comments from around each scenario --->

<!--- create a simple array of users --->
<cfset users = [] />
<cfset users[1] = { name = "Tony" } />
<cfset users[2] = { name = "Joe" } />

Scenario 1: Pass in the user. This should work. <br />
<cfloop array="#users#" index="user">
#sayHelloSimple(user)# <br />

Scenario 2: Pass in a struct containing the user. This should work. <br />
<cfloop array="#users#" index="user">
<cfset parameters = { user = user } />
#sayHelloComplex(parameters)# <br />

Scenario 3: Pass in an implicit struct containing the user. This should work, but doesn't. <br />
<cfloop array="#users#" index="user">
#sayHelloComplex({ user = user })# <br />

Scenario 4: Same as Scenario 4, but wrapped inside a try/catch. This should print "fail". <br />
<cfloop array="#users#" index="user">
#sayHelloComplex({ user = user })# <br />
<cfcatch type="any">
fail <br />

Scenario 5: Pass in a single implicit struct containing the user without looping. This should work. <br />
#sayHelloComplex({ user = users[1] })# <br />

Scenario 6: Pass in an implicit struct containing the user inside an include. This should work. <br />
<cfloop array="#users#" index="user">
<cfinclude template="user.cfm" />

content of user.cfm
#sayHelloComplex({ user = user })# <br />


<cffunction name="sayHelloSimple" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="user" type="any" />

<cfreturn "Hello," />


<cffunction name="sayHelloComplex" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="collection" type="any" />

<cfreturn "Hello," />


I should note that the complex value doesn't need to be a struct, but it can be an object as well. If you've got a free second, do me a favor and vote it up!

Also, ColdMVC is now on RIAForge, so check that out too if you haven't yet: